We welcome you to become a member of the Mercer Island Preschool Association!


Become a Member / Renew Now!

Our new membership year begins on July 1, 2024. It is now time for previous members to renew your memberships* so you don't miss out on our upcoming communications and opportunities. 


*Note: At this time MIPA offers single year memberships. All memberships purchased last year have now expired.


Benefits of membership include:

  • Playgroups:  MIPA playgroups form every year based on interest. Playdates are held at members’ homes and at parks in good weather.
  • Family Socials: Organized meet-ups of families and kids at various parks, locales and homes (all year round). Favorites include our inter-generational partnership with Aljoya and the annual Fire Station Tour! 
  • Adult Socials:  Join us for these fun and educational adult social events throughout the year – MIPA Speaker Series, Book Club, Moms’ Night Out, Parents’ Night Out, and our highly anticipated Holiday Party! These are seriously fun events - come find your tribe.
  • PTA Legislative Updates:  Keep up-to-date via member meetings and newsletter updates on what is happening in the legislature regarding our children’s education.
  • Discounts:  With your MIPA membership card, you can receive discounts on products and services from many local businesses.

Membership Dues: $25  – One-year membership. We are currently accepting memberships for the 2024-2025 school year. Memberships begin on the date of purchase and expire June 30, 2025.



Please email secretary@mipreschoolassociation.org if you have any questions.






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